Thursday 12 July 2012


Oh dear. 

I am rapidly turning into the worst "blogger" of all time!!! (although I don't actually class myself as a blogger at all)  Firstly, there is the small matter of never updating said blog, and secondly, my blog's "identity crisis"... which quite frankly, is nearing catostrophic disaster levels... Perhaps thats slightly melodramatic of me, and I'm sure if I stopped neglecting it so much it might just bounce back to life!

In Cape Town the upkeep was quite easy.  There were pretty pictures to take, stories to tell, mostly everything was still novel and my days weren't as governed by routine... Although routine is good - routine pays the bills!  My routine is especially good as I work with great friends and get to play with pretty jewellery all day long. It is great for the magpie within.

Its a hard job, but someone has to do it...!!! Carat Ring, stocked at Tombland Jewellers.. 

Life continues to plod along in sleepy Norwich. Worryingly, I have only been back for 2 months, yet it feels a lot longer.  Days are spent working, daydreaming, pondering, seeing friends and playing with the exploding population of babies I find myself surrounded by. Thank goodness for my friends who all decided it was time to grow up - I get to relish in the nice parts of the baby boom.

There are a lot of decisions to be made.. Some are glaringly obvious, some are a little more fuzzy. Taking a giant leap of faith into the unknown is never an easy task, especially for one who ponders and wonders "what if..." as frequently as I.  As the adventure unfolds I will endeavour to become decisive and assertive, and of course, share the results.

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