Thursday 6 September 2012

The Secret Garden...

Feeling rather traumatised from my house-sitting duties - the goldfish died on my watch and my sister was a little mad - I decided to seek solace in Norwich's "Secret Garden", before having to face the tears of my niece, and of course the wrath of my sister.

I cannot believe I have never been before, it is stunning and these pictures just don't do it justice!


It is so pretty. So quiet. So quaint. So hidden, and so worth the £2.00 donation - if the sun ever decided to shine, it would most definitely be where I would vanish to, a perfect corner of tranquility and calm. 

The sister returned, and she was as expected, mad.  It would appear not only did the fish die under my care, but the plants weren't too perky either - although I maintain that it was some sort of freak fish accident and nothing to do with me. I'm just thankful the rabbit survived the ordeal of the older sister looking after the house. Somehow I don't think I will be invited to stay again!.