Monday 2 April 2012

How Time Flies...

Oh My.. How quickly time flies. The trip home just flew by, and my darling newborn niece arrived one hour after my plane had taken off to head back to Cape Town. Sixteen days late, she just did not want to come out! I think Heartbroken pretty much sums up how I feel about missing her arrival, especially as her birth was the sole reason I went home! I am so proud of my "little" sister who was amazingly calm in the run up to the birth and just makes the best Mother ever.  It was so great to be home and to spend some lovely, if not limited, time with my family and best friends, just wish I got to see more of them all.  The food was fine, the shops were tempting, the internet fast, there were new series of my favourite shows, and the sun even shone - Some would say I was spoilt!!!

Love Our Post Boxes...
Me & My Best Friend...
Lusting After a Red Bag... I resisted!

Back in Cape Town it's been a manic few days, planning The Boy's, sister's "Kitchen Tea" which myself & her cousin arranged, fufilling our Bridesmaids duties with joy. We don't have "Kitchen Tea's" in the UK, but if and when I do get married, I am SO having one! Its basically an afternoon Tea, with the bride getting lots of cute little presents for the home - tea towels, wooden spoons, glasses etc - although this bride got kitchenwares AND lots of sexy lingerie!!!  I'm not one for the stereotypical Hen Night, so this is a great way to have a more civilised get together with all the ladies rather than enduring the pain that may otherwise occur.  I spent a day trying to perfect my sister's Dark Chocolate Ganache Truffles and also her White Chocolate & Lemon Truffles... The blood, sweat and tears were worth it as they were the perfect treat for it - phew!

We had the event at the nicest cafe,  Our Place, which is exactly the sort of place I would both like to own as my own cafe (one day...) and take style inspiration from for my home. Soft greys, whites, antique mirrors, beautiful chandeliers and a garden full of big leafy trees, adorned with twinkling fairy lights and wooden hearts. Stunning.  The evening was spent at a great restaurant in Greenpoint, called Beefcakes... Both bride and Mother were initially...sceptical & concerned..... However, once there, they loved it!  We were an "Unofficial" Hen Party, thank goodness. Some of the less well-behaved brides were kinda crazy!!!!!!

So, only 4 days until the wedding, which is going to be a wonderful and beautiful masterpiece... How do I know this? Because yours truly (and The Boy's Mother) have spent many an hour plotting and planning the whole thing.  Its going to be a little manic and stressful I fear, but only because I am such a perfectionist, and the wedding is over Easter Weekend - no room for errors as they cannot be corrected when the world is on holiday!!! 

Must dash as I am busy cutting out moustaches and such like for the "photo-booth" corner I decided to make... Next stop, placenames... No rest for the wicked!!!!

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