Saturday 25 February 2012

Put Your Hands in The Air.....

Hands up...

How many of you are "wannabe's"?   I don't mean in the "I want to be famous" sense, I mean in the "I want to be...." well, anything sense.

I am a wannabe.  It is both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because so many things excite me.  A blessing because I refuse to let myself fall into the mundane traps that so many people wake up and find themselves in A blessing because I want to aim high and achieve great things,  I want to see and do it all. I don't want to be "normal".

It is also a curse. A curse because as a wannabe you always want to be something, do something, go somewhere - you focus on everything that you're not.  There is often the feeling of  restlessness, like something is missing, yet you're not sure of what or how to fill the void.  I am not happy just being, yet with so many things to choose from, where does one start?!  What do I want to be?

The missing ingredient in a "wannabe's" life is contentment.  Something which I think few people genuinely have. The pros and cons of being content deserves a separate entry altogether, and one that I cannot possibly touch upon without speaking to my best friend - possibly one of life's most content. She inspires and brings sunshine to my world on a daily basis.

Things on my Current "Wannabe" List...

I want to be successful. I want to be well travelled. I want to be interesting. I want to be clever. I want to be respected. I want to make a difference. I want to help. I want to be motivated. I want to be funny. I want to be near my loved ones. I want to be excited. I want to be cool.

I don't want to feel lost.

Maybe I want to be content....  I'll keep you posted!!!

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